Monday, January 23, 2006

Weekend Highlights

Well, it's Monday night and I'm bored and I really like to write on my blog! Sometimes I just don't have anything to write about, or at least anything "exciting". So just thought I'd share about our weekend. Friday night we spent a couple of hours sitting in front of the tv trying to decide "what to do"...... we only get NBC and CBS and Fox and maybe some weird station. Needless to say, there is hardly ever anything good on tv to watch. FINALLY, we were rescued by a surprise visit from our friends KJ & Michelle, and Aubrie & Jason. Aparently they couldn't find anything fun to do either. After we all put our heads together, we decided it would be a good night for "Spoons!". YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most of you probably don't know this, but I developed a little bit of a reputation for being aggressive when it comes to playing spoons. So we played for a while and had a lot of fun, but still weren't satisfied with our evening plan. Someone mentioned Karaoke and all agreed that was a great idea. Unfortunately, when we got to the restaurant it was standing room only. And we were the only people not smoking or drinking. It was a big disappointment after experiencing Big Mama's Karaoke Cafe in Knoxville. After a few minutes I volunteered to ask the door man for our money back since we couldn't find a seat. Now it's about 10:30 and we are working on Plan C for the night, which was to come back to our house and have our own karaoke contest. We passed around the hairbrush (aka microphone) and listened to all kinds of music.....Vanilla Ice, Kenny Chesney, Arethra Franklin(my favorite), and many more. It was a lot of fun just being crazy and silly.
So that was our Friday night adventure, and then Sat night Aaron and I just watched a movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", believe it or not, neither one of us had seen it before. It was an ok movie. I didn't quite understand the ending, but a lot of good action scenes. We were also able to have our neighbor, Brenda, over to eat dinner with us. This was an answered prayer because I had been praying really hard that day that God would open up a way for me to talk to her and just befriend her. I was so excited when I drove up my driveway that afternoon and she was standing in her backyard letting her dog out. That is about the only time I see her so I know it was a divine meeting. I've been inviting her to go to church with us, but she doesn't really seem interested in joining us. I pray that God would give her a hunger for Him and for fellowship with other believers. She told me she used to go to church and teach Sunday School, but hasn't been involved for a while now. It is hard to know how to reach out to her, but I just keep praying that God will open doors.
OK...well, yes, I should stop now. Hopefully I will have news about my job tomorrow. Oh, and Praise the Lord, God is faithfully providing the funds that we need to go to Kenya. I'm just praying that I will still be able to go even if I get this job. Goodnight.

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