Monday, August 23, 2010

We're having another GIRL!!

Say hello to our Baby Girl!! She is 19 weeks in these pics. So thankful that she cooperated for us to be able to tell what she was. I was thinking it was a boy, so I have been having to rethink things. But I am very excited for another girl and for Braelyn to have a sister to be friends with. We praise God for this new life He is forming and growing! In the picture above it is a profile picture like she is laying on her back, head on the left. They said she was very photogenic.

The picture above is another profile pic, but she is turned around the other direction...head on the right.

Below, is what I like to call her "scary" face. :) Her face is right in the middle and it is like she is looking right at you. I call it scary, bc it looks skeletal still . Her body is on the right side.
The next few pics she is in the same position, her face is right in the middle. looks like she has her head on a pillow. her body is on the right again. and that is her arm along the bottom, with her hand next to her cheek.

Below, is mainly a shot of her arm, you can see a little bit of her face.
Just a couple of shots of her feet.
And finally she decided to play peek a boo with Braelyn :) You can see both of her hands are raised up in front of her face.
So these are some pics of our sweet baby girl. We are looking forward to another girl. That means less shopping for me and we get to use a lot of the stuff we already have again. We are working on finding a name, but I struggle with girl names, so hopefully we will have one before January! Please continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
We will be celebrating Braelyn's 2nd birthday soon! Hard to believe in less than a month she will be two! I have to get to work on figuring out her cake. She is having an Elmo bday party at the park. Hope you all have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Loved the pics! Love you guys and praying for you!