Saturday, August 07, 2010

The cutest Froggie ever!

I know these are a lot of froggie pics, but I just thought they were too cute to leave any of them out! This is Braelyn's froggie towel, which she LOVES! She will walk around the house with it on and just want to sit with it beside her. thank you Kohls!

I think this one, above, is one of my favorites.
This is a picture of Braelyn at the library with her friend, Madelyn. We went once a week for a few weeks, then we have just been busy lately. It is an amazing library with a GREAT place for kids. We had a playdate there....nice and air conditioned!!! :)
And here we have some pics of one of Braelyn's favorite things.....going to the park with Dada. She gets to ride in the buggie while Dada pulls her on the bike. Then they usually play in the creek and playground, while Mommy enjoys a few minutes of alone time. :)
So that is some of what we have been doing in July. Aaron is starting to study some for his boards, which he will take in September.
oh, I got a haircut yesterday, which was much needed. I think i try to set a record for how long I can go in between haircuts. All the kids at church were getting haircuts for back to school, and it inspired me to do the same. Getting a new haircut made me want to go get some new clothes, but unfortunately, I'm in the in between stage where my clothes are getting pretty snug, but maternity clothes are still too big. so......i'll just postpone that shopping trip for now.
hope everyone has a good weekend.

1 comment:

CharlieAndLinda said...

Your Mom (Mary Alice) gave us your blog address and we think these pictures are so cute. We are trying to figure out how old she is?

Linda Montgomery