Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Official members :)

Last Sunday Aaron and Braelyn and I finally joined our church here in Bristol. Calvary Baptist Church. We have been meaning to do this for awhile now and it was just slow getting it all taken care of. We feel like we were already a part of the church family long before this though. I just wanted to take a moment to encourage anyone reading this who is not a member or regular attender of a church family to make that a priority. Aaron and I realize that lots of people in our age group for some reason don't make church membership or attendance a priority. I know it can be hard to find a church at times, but don't give up. We went to 12 churches here in Bristol before we found Calvary. We realize that no church is perfect, but God desires for us to be plugged in to a church somewhere, so that we might be a part of the body of Christ and encourage our fellow brothers and sisters and at the same time receive encouragement in our time of need. The church is God's design, He has a special purpose for it, and if you are a believer then God wants you to be involved in a church body.
We thank God for our church family at Calvary Baptist Church. We thank God for answering our prayers to show us where He would have us get involved for the short amount of time that we are here in Bristol. Praying that God has you in a church where He wants you or that God will direct you to a church home soon! To Him be the glory!

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