Sunday, June 06, 2010

The month of May in one sweet post!

May was a much less eventful month for us, as you can tell by the amount of pictures I took. :) Just some random pics of Braelyn, learning to help Mommy water the flowers. She really likes to be outside.

This is Braelyn's toast and jelly face :) She is currently cutting her incisor teeth on the bottom and has been running a little fever with it. But she was feeling a little better today. Those teeth look sharp!
Braelyn still enjoys playing in the tupperware cabinet. Mainly emptying it out, trying to put lids on and stacking some. But recently she has enjoyed crawling in and trying to hide in it.
I thought this was a great picture of Braelyn and her Mamaw. She came up to help watch Braelyn for a day while I was preparing for my class at church.

So, now I have finally gotten caught up on posting pictures......let's see.....

oh, we bought some patio furniture for our deck, a table and 4 chairs and an umbrella, but we need to swap the umbrella. I am excited and ready to get to eat out there soon. We went camping with my family last weekend for Memorial Day...I guess I still need to post those pics. We had a good time, although it was a little rainy. Braelyn loved being outside all the time and did really good sleeping in the tent in her pack n play.
Aaron is still on a pretty good schedule and we are enjoying that. Just a few calls here and there. Braelyn is talking more and more each day. One funny thing she just started doing a few days ago.... we often say "Silly Braelyn" bc she does silly things and the other night she said back without us prompting "Silly Dada....Silly Mama" It was so funny. She tries to sing parts of Jesus loves me and her ABC's. She is so entertaining. I love getting to be at home with her and see all those little things that make us laugh and love her so much.

Hope everyone has a good week.

1 comment:

Sara and Wade said...

She is a doll!:) I love the toast and jelly picture - very cute! I'm looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the UT girls soon!