Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm plum blogged out but one more NJ style

So last but not least and not really last since my newest blog is posted first... sonya and I went to New Jersey to visit my sister and brother in law, Sarah and Martin. We left Thursday afternoon and got there thursday night to hear Martin teach the college and career about the superfluidity of naughtiness, it doesn't sound right now that i say it out loud but anyway we had a lot of fun including going to Ocean City, New Jersey on friday to hang out on the beach. Yes that is a jacket you see on sonya, the only reason you see it is because we were able to get the 2 towels/blankets off of her for the picture. It was pretty chilly, like low 60's with an ocean breeze but some how i managed to burn my legs. it was all about the company though and the memories.
So we ate some pizza on the boardwalk, well not ON the boardwalk, we actually had a table and plates to eat on. Yes we ate that whole thing. It takes a lot of energy to stay so warm while at the same time having your legs fried in the sunless UV rays. We also have proof that martin is part amphibian due to his hypoglossal/genioglossal muscle you see protruding in the picture!
Well we also watched martin play soccer friday night, while they didn't win they looked really good while losing. then martin had to work saturday and sonya and sarah went garage selling or shopping rather, and I got a new weedeater (new to me). I studied for my national board exam which was equally fun to me as the idea of going to garage sales. then we met martin in cherry hill to eat at the CHEESECAKE FACTORY. Oh it was a glorious time... over 30 types of cheesecake. sarah doesn't like cheesecake so she got some chocolate cake and it was like Mana from heaven, about the size of a small 9x9 birthday cake. I had dutch apple walnut strusel cheesecake and it was like a party in my mouth with each bite. Then we played some games at their new home which is pictured above.
Sunday we went to their church Fellowship Bible Church. It was a really good sermon on striving to be holy before God without excuses. It took us about 1 and 1/2 hours longer to get home because of stupid toll booths but thank the Lord we made it home safely. Thanks for having us Sarah and Martin we loved seeing you both and getting to hang out. Their house is fantastic. My favorite part about the house is the superfly appliances and the floors and the extra large "comfort" tolet that martin installed himself. Ok all of it was my favorite part.

well that about sums up the last 2 months. I have 1 and 1/2 weeks of school left for this block then a 3 week block then I'm done July 20th with class and then it's nonstop studying for my board exam. Sonya is starting the summer program with her work next week so it will be a busy 8 weeks for her. please pray for her! And pray for us a car. and keep your eyes peeled for a good deal for us. thanks for reading! always feel free to comment!

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