Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pictures from Kenya

Hey everyone, here are a few pics from Kenya...... This is a picture of the Rift Valley, the area that we worked in. This picture was taken on our way there from Nairobi.
Aaron is sharing a track and the Gospel with these men while they were waiting to get in to the clinic. It was challenging with the language barrier, but some could speak English.
This picture was taken on top of a mountainside. It shows the back side of the clinic, the waiting tent, and out buses, and some of the people waiting.
This is a close-up of our "tent clinic". In this tent their were four stations of students and translators where patients were seen and questioned. It did get a little crowded at times, but worked well for the most part. If they needed to do anything specific for the patient, there were small rooms with tables inside the clinic building for those situations.

1 comment:

Carmel said...

Sonya, you'll never believe this but i have the same picture of the Rift Valley!!! I was so there for 40/40, totally camped down in the valley. It's kind of neat to know that we've both been there. All of your pictures are great!!! It looks like you guys had an amazing time!Take care, talk/write ya later.