Monday, September 24, 2012

It's Go Time

Wow what a whirlwind week...or year for that matter. In the last week we have successfully packed all 15 suitcases and Rubbermaid boxes for our next two years. We have moved out of the mission house and into my (Aaron) parents house for 3 nights. We had our last round of shots and Sonya was diagnosed with Graves Disease! Yes that's right it actually all happened in the last 5 days. Not to go into too much detail, Sonya had been feeling bad for a couple of months. Weight loss, to which I attributed to stress ( we have moved 2 times in 3 months and now moving again to Africa!), heart palpitations to which I told her she needed to exercise (I admit I was wrong!). Nausea and near passing out some mornings (no not pregnant). So we thought it would be a good idea to have her thyroid checked before we leave although she has never had any thyroid problems in the past. Labs were drawn Wednesday (6 days before we leave), results called Thursday, special trip to Bristol (2 hours away) for part of a thyroid scan then a return trip the next day for the rest of the scan, a meeting with an endocrinologist and 2 medicines later she is starting to feel a smidgen better (yes, no thanks to me).  We know this was allowed by God and for a couple of days last week we weren't sure if we would be able to keep the flight tomorrow but God worked and allowed us to get 2 months worth of waiting and appointments and test done in 2 days! Dr. Beasey (the endocrinologist) encouraged us to go so here we go. leaving for the airport in 10 hours! Just a few requests before we go:
  • please continue to pray for our health as we go and for Sonya as she adjusts to these meds.
  • We will need to have her thyroid checked in a month or so to see whether to go up or down on the dose of meds and I'm sure this can be done in Kenya but we have not been able to nail down any details of where it can be done.
  • Please pray for the kids to sleep and obey and the flights/connections to be smooth.
  • That all our luggage would arrive when we do...intact!
  • Grace as we adjust to all the changes we have been experiencing and will be experiencing 
  • Pray for our families as they adjust to us being (a little) further away
Thank you for praying and thank you for giving. We are blessed over and over by you. We are SO excited to go and see what God has in store. It has been a long time coming and it is finally here! To God be the Glory, Lord Willing next update will be from Kenya!


Sarah said...

Praying Praying Praying and Praying! We love you all so much! Can't wait to see and hear about the adjustments! Tell Braelyn we'll Facetime on the iPad. :)

Tab said...

Praying for you guys! Hope you have a smooth flight!

Alyssa said...

Will enjoy following your adventure over the next couple years. I met you about a year ago in Bristol at the CMDA potluck (former PRP from Tenwek, heading to Burundi). Sorry to hear about the Graves diagnosis, but so glad you got that figured out before going overseas! Just wanted to let you know you can get a TSH checked at Tenwek (contact them first though to make sure the lab machine is functioning) or in Nairobi at Aga Khan (also recommend calling first). Hope that helps!

David & Joan said...

You bet we'll be praying (already started!). We love you and KNOW our LORD loves so even more. May His power, love, glory continue to be seen in and through you all.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys. I know this is scary and exciting all at the same time. The Lord is with you during all parts of this trip and adjustement. He will place people in your path to bless you and your obedience. We love you and cant wait to see your African Pictures.
Love, Megan Galan

Anonymous said...

So excited! We'll definitely be praying for you guys. :)

Travis and Marlene said...

We are Kyle's mom and dad, and we have been praying for you as you go to Kapsowar to serve along side Kyle and others there! They are so excited that you all are coming.
We are sorry about your recent diagnosis of Grave's disease, and will be praying about that too, and for your adjustment there.
God Bless!