Saturday, March 10, 2007

March Madness!!

Hello everyone, sorry it's been so long, we' ve been pretty busy lately. My friend, Sara Scribner got married a couple of weeks ago, now Sara Bonner. The wedding was beautiful and it was great to see a lot of my friends. Aaron has officially started studying for his boards, which are August 30. Lots of exciting things are going on this month.......such sister, Carla, could possibly have her baby this month. She takes her last progesterone shot March 15th, and will stay in her system about a week. She could have the baby anytime after that. Also, our friends Michelle & KJ are expecting and she is due March 28th. Also my best friend, Alicia, is pregnant and they find out whether it is a boy or girl on March 26th. Finally, my brother Michael and his wife Katy will complete their final step in "their part" of the adoption process, which is having a home visit on March 15th. Then they have to wait for the paperwork to be processed and wait for their "approval letter." After that they could become parents at anytime :). I am so excited about all the blessings of new life God is giving our family.
God has also been answering a lot of prayers for our neighbors and given us a lot of opportunities to minister to them. My neighbor, Brenda, is hopefully coming to church with us in the morning and I'm excited about that. Her and I have started having bible study at our house every Thursday night which has been really good. I'm excited to see what God has planned for her in the future. God has also given us opportunities to hang out with our other neighbors who are in middle school. I really enjoy hanging out with them and getting to talk to them about spiritual things too. It reminds me of doing YOKE back in Knoxville, which I miss a lot.
Our girls bible study has now started our Beth Moore, Believing God study, which is going really well. We have about 14 girls in our group who are all Med school wives. Ummm......well, I think that is about all I have to talk about right now. Just some random information, aaron and I watched The Lakehouse last night and it was actually a good, clean movie. Hope you all are well and I'm sure I'll have some exciting updates soon. BYE

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