Friday, October 13, 2006

Caryss and Gavin

Well Clint came up this past week and kept me company for a few days while Sonya went and worked everyday. We played Halo for a few hours a day and watched Lost at night with Sonya. I took Clint to see the Anatomy lab and he held a few organs. We did do some productive things. I cooked dinner every night and did all the dishes and laundry. It doesn't make up for the 50 weeks out of the year that Sonya does it but hopefully it helps. I love my weeks off school, but monday I start my official 2nd year material. Pathology and Pharmacology are the 2 big classes this year. But at least Anatomy and Physiology are over!

Anyway here are some pictures of our niece and nephew Caryss and Gavin that Laura sent us. They are great!! Happy Friday the 13th!

1 comment:

Lindsay Rich said...

cute nieces and nephews! We miss you guys. It looks like it may work out for us to come back to C-burg in July though! We'll have to get together.