Monday, April 03, 2006

Look at this beautiful rainbow!!

hello everyone, just wanted to share with you the wonderful blessing I received this morning on my way to work! I just happened to grab the digital camera because I thought I might find something good to take a picture of today. Then as I pulled out onto the road I was filled with JOY and AWE and WONDER at the beautiful sight of this rainbow. The sun was shining still, but it was beginning to rain. I LOVED IT!! It was such a great way to start a Monday morning and be reminded of God's faithful promises to us. The weather has been much warmer lately, which is great, unless you are in med school and you have to study instead of going out to play :(. But Aaron will have a week off at the first of May. He has a long list of things he wants to do around the house. If anyone wants to come visit, that would be a good week (April 28-May 6th).
So I got my hair cut tonight at the mall.....people just really don't listen well!! Of course the girl cut it a bit shorter than I wanted, and it looks a little choppy right now in the back. But, the good thing is that hair grows, and mine grows pretty fast, so as I would tell my kids at school........
"There are some things that we can control and there are others we cannot."..... and this would be one of those we cannot :).
Oh, and Aaron and I had a good quiet time together Saturday morning just talking about our quiet times and God really opened my eyes to a lot of legalistic thinking I get pulled down by, mainly feeling like I need to spend a certain amount of time reading his word and really digging deep and honestly......I've just felt like it was more of a burden than a joy and sweet fellowship with God. So, this week, I'm just trying to read a few verses each morning and set my mind on God throughout the day, not just during my "quiet time". I would feel guilty about not having "good" quiet times every day, just because I feel like God deserves our best and deserves our best efforts. But God revealed to me in a new way that I can never give him what he deserves. He is too worthy. too wonderful. too amazing. and He doesn't even desire my "good" quiet times. He desires for me to delight myself in Him, to "do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him" daily (Micah 6:8) and the bible also says that the Lord doesn't desire sacrifice, but mercy. "His yoke is easy, and His burden is light." So, it was refreshing and uplifting to see these truths in a new light and be able to apply them to my walk. I hope this encourages you too. Have a good week!

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