Most of you probably know that about a month ago Aaron started having a bad toothache, very bad. He was in a lot of pain for a few days and his face swelled up pretty ugly on one side. I felt so bad for him. Long story short, we found a dentist in Eldoret and he was able to have TWO root canals done last week and then went back yesterday for his permanent fillings. We praise God for providing this dentist and for giving us wisdom in how to deal with this here.
The day after we got back from Eldoret Braelyn had a low fever and runny nose and now for the last week both girls have had fevers, runny noses, congested coughs and all that good stuff! Since then they have both struggled with earaches, especially Layna who has is now finishing her second round of antibiotics. Please pray that they are healed this time. We will check them tomorrow.
We were really thankful to have some friends(Ty and Joi Hopkins) that we knew during medical school be able to come and spend Christmas with us here in Kapsowar last week. It was so nice to visit with them and be able to host them. We really did have a great Christmas here in Kapsowar and I am thankful for all those who were praying for us this Christmas as we were away from our families.
It is hard to believe we have been here 3 months now. To be honest, it has been a long 3 months for us. There have been a lot of adjustments for all of us and there has been a lot of sickness for our girls and a lot of physical pain for Aaron with his abscess tooth and now possibly ruptured disc in his back. It's been challenging to deal with all of this, but we know that all His work is done in faithfulness and He is working even in all of these struggles. We really do appreciate all of your prayers for our health and our family here. Aaron is planning on getting an MRI on Thursday in Eldoret and we are praying that this will give us clearer answers on exactly what is wrong with his back and how we should be treating it. Please just pray for this situation.
The work at the hospital is going well for Aaron. I think he is getting more and more comfortable with his surroundings and with all the procedures he is doing. Thank you for praying. On Christmas Eve, many of the staff sang Christmas carols at the hospital and then on Christmas day we were able to visit the children's ward and give away a few goodies to them.
I have really enjoyed my time with the girl's during our bible study on Monday nights. We are taking a couple weeks off due to the holidays, but I am eager to get back into the word with them. They have been very faithful to come and study together. I am very thankful for them.
Aaron is enjoying getting to build some friendships with some of the nursing staff and students. He feels like the Lord is giving him opportunities there to teach and model the love of Christ to them.
I think we have decided on a church home here in Kapsowar. There were definitely fewer choices here than the last time we were searching for a church home in Bristol :). There is really only one choice that works for our family and our circumstances (no vehicle). So we will be trying to get more involved in the AIC church here in Kapsowar which is right next to the hospital. Please be praying for how the Lord would have us get involved there and just that we could build some deeper friendships there.
Thank you all again for praying for us so faithfully. We are so thankful for all of you who have partnered with us in so many supportive ways that is enabling us to serve here. We thank God for all of you often. Please send us an email and let us know how you are doing as well. We always love to hear from you.
Hope you all have a Happy New Year and may God be glorified in each of us wherever we are!
Sounds tough. :( Hope you have a happy and more healthful New Year and we'll keep praying for you guys! tab and luke
You guys have definitely been in our thoughts and prayers. Keep strong in the Lord and He will give you the grace for each day. Love you guys! PS The facial hair looks good on Aaron! :)
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