Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Braelyn's First Real Crawl!

Here's Braelyn showing off her crawling skills. She was a little shy at first but now she's all over the place (mostly pulling up the old carpet fibers!)


Jessi said...

How exciting! It's so fun to watch them figure out how to get mobile...but get ready to learn what it *really* means to baby proof. *wink*

Braelyn's getting SO big...where does the time go?

Jenny Mitchell said...

Oh my word sonya! I can't even imagine. Braelyn is going to be a fast one! The way she popped right up onto her knees will leave you no time to catch her before she gets going into all sorts of mischief:)! She is getting TOO BIG!

stephanie osborne said...

I swear, you guys have to cutest kid ever! Dont tell anyone else we know that has a baby I said that, dont want them to feel bad! :-)
What is that thing she was 'eating' blueberries from?

Anonymous said...

wow, she is getting so big. I cant believe that lucy will be doing that in just 6 months. thanks for the videos. megan