Thursday, June 25, 2009

Celebrating Five Years of Husband and Wife

Ok, so I'm sorry there are no pics of Braelyn on here. I will get to that soon. I just wanted to say that Aaron and I will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary tomorrow! We are going out tomorrow night and Aaron's parents are going to watch Braelyn for us. I am very excited because Aaron has no idea what we are doing or where we are going and I'm going to get to surprise him for once. I'll share about it later, but I'm pretty sure he will enjoy it. The last five years have been great. It seems like every year brings new challenges and new blessings. I am so thankful that God brought Aaron and I together. He is definitely a gift from the Lord. When Aaron and I got married we decided to write our own vows.......

I, Aaron, take you Sonya to be my wife forever
You are my good and perfect gift from God
Today I vow to be your earthly protector and provider
I will lead you with a servant's heart, just as Jesus leads His Church
I will strive to love you with the love of God,
Regardless of my feelings and our circumstances
These things I vow to you before God and these witnesses

I, Sonya, take you Aaron to be my husband forever
You are my good and perfect gift from God
Today I vow to by your life-long helper and encourager
I will submit to your leadership as the head of our home
I will trust you and follow you wherever God leads us
I will seek to love you with the love of God,
Regardless of my feelings and our circumstances
These things I vow to you before God and these witnesses

I feel so blessed to call Aaron my husband. Thank you Lord for creating marriage. I pray that our marriage will point others toward You.


Angela said...

Happy Anniversary!! Hope you all are doing well. Miss you!

stephanie osborne said...

Yea for you guys! It doesn't seem like 5 years already! You got to update that 'About Me' section on you blog now! Congrats!