Saturday, January 19, 2008

Snowy days in Virginia!!

So here is our first good snow of the season in Virginia! I was so excited Thursday morning when I woke up and everything was white outside. I love it when it snows. It's just so pretty. We got about 3 or 4 inches. It was also a blessed day because Aaron had come home the night before and Thursday morning his doctor called him and said not to worry about trying to come in. So we had a snow day together. I actually got out in the snow and played for awhile. We made a snowman, which was a lot harder than I remembered it being, and we made snow angels. Aaron had some snowball fights with our neighbor's kids and he also enjoyed playing Xbox with them that night. They like to bring their playstation over to our house and play with aaron. So, I have been out of school yesterday and today, which is another reason I love working in the school system :). Aaron is getting close to finishing up his pediatrics rotation for this month. Next month he will be doing Family Medicine in Wytheville, which is about 45 minutes away. Aaron has been very blessed thus far in each of his rotations to be working with good doctors and nurses who have been good teachers. Praise God. We are continuing to pray about the decisions that have to be made about next years rotations. We have to turn in a schedule in March, so please pray that God would give us wisdom about figuring all that out. Hope you all have a great weekend.

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