Sunday, December 30, 2007

Getting ready for the new year

Well, here we are, another year gone by. This year has been long, at least it seems that way for me. God has really been molding me and teaching me a lot. I will write more about that later. Really I just wanted to say that we had a good Christmas. We are thankful to have been able to spend a week in TN, but are thankful to be back home as well. Aaron made a wall calendar for me for Christmas and I got him a devotional book, "Morning by Morning" by Charles Spurgeon. My sister got me a new devotional based on the names of God and I am looking forward to getting into that. I am also reading a great book right now called "Trusting God, even when life hurts" by Jerry Bridges. It is all about the sovereignty of God and it is good. I'm only a few chapters into it, but i like it a lot. Aaron is starting to work on scheduling his rotations for fourth year, which is a major process. We have to have it finished by March. Please pray that God will give us wisdom and guidance in making all those decisions. Aaron starts his Pediatrics rotation this week in Bluefield, which is about an hour away. He has been loving his rotations so far, Praise the Lord. Well, I will try to do a better job posting this year. Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Lindsay Rich said...

Glad you guys had a great Christmas this year! Hope medical school dosn't last too much longer for you guys. I don't know how you do it. I guess you heard we are in the process of selling our house to Bobbie. Blessings!