Thursday, February 08, 2007

It's all about Clint (almost)

Well my older brother Clint says he never sees his picture on our blog... Clint this blog's for you!

Here's a bit about my older brother. He's a great brother and friend. He calls to see what's going on with Sonya and me. He loves his niece and nephew! He enjoys a good movie and loves to give gifts, whether it's candy to our neice or a TV (he bought us a TV for our wedding present!!) He is a solid guy who loves God. He works for the evil empire (coke) and without him I think they would probably have to just shut down. We used to play when we were younger and somehow he talked me into jumping out of my sister's 2nd floor window and I ended up hitting my knee on my chin and bitting my tongue. He has always bought me a birthday present, even when he was broke. And one year when I was in college he took me grocery shopping and bought me ALL kinds of food that I want but would never buy! He loves getting people addicted to good TV shows, such as 24, Lost, Alias, and Heros. He sends the funniest forwads on email. Usually I just delete forwards unless it is from clintasaurus. He's 6 ft 9 inches tall and as strong as an ox! Well I guess I could go on and on but duty calls. Clint hope you liked this blog dedicated to you!

And here's a few pics of our trip home a few weeks ago.
Here's Gavin, not his best picture but he sure is cute!

And here's Caryss striking a pose on my guitar case (thanks for changing the strings Daniel!)

Nieces and Nephews

Well we went home a few weeks ago for Caryss's 3rd birthday party. It was so wild I (Aaron) injured myself. The party was at "Pump it up" in west knoxville and there were a bunch of big air blown up slides and stuff. I ended up doing a relay and going down a slide that said "feet first only". I saw that sign as I was face planting going down the slide. I recovered nicely though.

Well we had our first real snow this past Tuesday. We ended up getting about 1 inches here in Christiansburg but Giles Co. where Sonya works must have had more because she was out wed. thur and now she's out friday but she has to do some home visits up there tomorrow.

I had 3 exams this past week, and I have 2 next week and then 4 the next week, which is finals week. Then a break, but over the break I'll begin studying for my boards examinations. I take the boards in Knoxville on Aug. 30th of this year. We bought a new car a few weeks ago! It's a 2003 Dodge Intrepid. It was Sonya's dad's work car and he was able to sell it to us once the lease was over. I am currently attempting to clean and wax my truck to sell it, but it's tough when it hasn't been above 32 since sometime in January.

This is my first attempt to put a video on our blog, but let me tell you all the hastle of it is worth it for this funny video. It's our nephew colton who is 2, working out and tell us his name at the end. So here goes nothing. I hope it works! Just click on it, maybe twice

Here's some pictures too!
This was us singing happy Birthday to Caryss at Sunday lunch, I think I should have taken the hint!