Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween party!!!!

Well, few people know how to party on Halloween night like some Christian couples hanging out, dressed up like little kids and playing games that any 7-9 year old would be really good at.

Sonya and I went to a party last night with our friends from church/school and had a great time. No we didn't win the costume competition, or the balloon burst relay, or the swinging apple and doughnut competition, or the balloon stomp game or the drop the skittles in a cup game, or the guess how many pieces of candy are in the glass game... but we did get to go home with a prize just for looking so funny!

We found out that we had to dress up for the halloween party this year at Aubrie and Jason's house (aka candy corn and Geroge Strait in the pictures). while rummaging through our clothes i found some Thai kickboxing shorts that I had bought a few years ago when I was over there. So then my friend Sem in Thailand bought me a shirt which I gave to Sonya to wear... and it all came together, i even oiled myself up to look a little more authenic.

Sonya would kill me if she knew i put the pictures of her "unhumanly busty bosom" on here but it was all part of her costume.

No ghost came to visit us cause they were scared when they saw the sights of me

I had to put a lawsuit against NBC because Law and Order are trademark names for my fists and feet!

So we had lots of fun and acted like we didn't have 50 hours of studying in front of us for the rest of the week.
Our birthdays are coming up so feel free to get us something good!! Good night!

1 comment:

SEM said...

hey Aaron! you and sonya look pretty cool. I just realized that they dress up like that on halloween day hahaha! you should take Sonya here to see the real one Thai boxing (Muay Thai), chai mai? YAK PEN MAHHHHH!!!! If you wanna know what YAK PEN MAH means, ask Aaron! Im praying for you two. Have a good day..