Sunday, May 06, 2012


Just wanted to take a moment to share a little bit of the blessings the Lord has given us the last few weeks. Tonight we went to Fellowship Baptist Church in Bluff City and were honored to be a part of their missions projects and receive some support from them. The amazing part for me is to see how God has brought us into relationships with people here in Bristol and even in other areas and to see how He had bigger plans for those relationships that we ever would have imagined. Aaron knew a few people at the church we went to tonight, but I had never met any of them. It was so encouraging to sit in the seats and hear all the mission projects this church is involved in locally and around the world. Even though I had never met anyone in this church, I sat there with brothers and sisters in Christ.....and it was so obvious that this church has a heart for the Lord and sharing Him with others. It was just so encouraging and humbling, to have them support us and want to keep up with our ministry and pray for us. It is just a beautiful picture of the body of Christ working together to glorify His name.
   And the Lord has blessed us with a couple of more monthly supporters whom we are SO grateful for and excited about. Again, these weren't relationships that we planned, but just people whom the Lord has allowed our paths to cross and He has put a desire in their hearts to be a part of this ministry. These are wonderful reminders that this is His plan and we just need to keep following Him.
   We are in awe of His goodness and provision.

Another blessing.....we were excited to have dinner Friday night (kid free) with a couple from our church who have served as missionaries. It was a great evening of wonderful food and fellowship. We enjoyed hearing their stories and words of wisdom from all they have experienced. We thank the Lord again and again for our church family here in Bristol. They are so supportive and such a blessing to us.

Finally, we were blessed to have the opportunity to do "baby dedication" at our church this morning with Layna. It was a real sweet time of committing ourselves as parents, in front of our church, to raising her to love the Lord and glorify Him. We understand that she is a gift from the Lord and she is His before she is ours. We do pray that her life will bring glory to Him and that we will do our part to teach her and train her in who He is and how much He loves her. It was also a blessing to have my Mom and Dad there at the service to be a part of the dedication. Then we all went and ate a yummy lunch together!
    Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Hope you all have a good week!