Sunday, July 10, 2011

More pics from the wedding!

Some more pics of the family from the wedding! It was a beautiful day and lots of fun places to take pictures. Braelyn loved the tractor. I could hardly get her to get off of it. We have been traveling so much the last month it has been hard to post much. We just returned home from a great week in Dandridge/Knoxville visiting family. Unfortunately Layna is not sleeping really well right now, so we are all pretty tired around here. I am wondering if she is cutting teeth. Braelyn didn't have her first tooth until she was a year old, but who knows what Layna will do. We will watch and see. Aaron just finished mulching and landscaping a front yard looks so much better. I appreciate his hard work. Also, we have an interview with World Medical Mission in August so please be praying that the Lord will continue to guide us and show us what His will is for us after residency. Thanks!
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Andriana & Dustin's Wedding

Here are a few pics from Andriana's wedding a couple of weeks ago. I found Picasa online and I am having fun playing with editing pictures. It was a beautiful wedding and I am so happy for them! We had a great time.
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